Projects, process' and possiblities
As the season changes to full fledged winter wonderland I get restless....not with life, but with my surroundings and my creativity. I would NOT describe myself as a creative type, but at times I craft and create just like the rest of you!
So lately I have been creating...however my process doesn't always get finished. Sometimes the process of the project takes way to long...
so I thought I would share a couple of projects that I have finished!~
Here are the Apple Jellies I found that I just had to try~
After following the instructions from this fantastic blog, Lottie & Doof, my Apple Jellies turned out perfectly!
The kiddos Loved them! They are very sweet, especially when you coat them in sugar!
My next project involved more than just me! My husband needed to do some of the labor for me, mainly because it's freezing out, but also because he's rather handy!
I had gotten a pallet with one of my Baby Elephant Ears shipments and needed an idea!

So after following the instruction at yet another amazing blog, Little Lucy Lu, my shelves are almost finished...for ZERO dollars!
So what are you creating these days?
We have several other projects in process as we prepare almost all of our holiday gifts as handmade items, but of course I can't show those! It would ruin the surprise!