Daytime Television

So...sickness has taken over. Although we're a typically "healthy" household...the full on influenza has hit. Not the flu, just the achy, tired, congestion, coughing mess that is influenza. And me? I'm the lucky inhabitant who got this lovely illness last...and the longest.

Side note: Sometimes I wonder if it's God's way of slowing me down a bit. Just sometimes.

Anyhow...daytime television, I've decided, is not all it's cracked up to be. The really awesome design shows I thought were on...ARE NOT. The interesting news programs I envisioned would be playing all day long...ARE NOT. There is nothing on. So much of nothing that the television has been left off a bit more than I thought being that there has been 4 of us on the couch at all times.

What a let down.
All of those great shows...Man where are they?


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