Valentines Day Special
As most of you probably know from reading my blog...I am rather smitten on my husband. Always have been. He's a dear to be sure.
He knows me. He really knows me. Kidding aside, that doesn't always mean he gets me! In the way that a husband should know his wife....Scott knows me through and through.
Valentines day isn't our favorite by any stretch. Too much money is spent on things that don't matter...too little time is spent on those that do and by golly...I think the goal of the day was lost long ago. But once in a while I feel like a glimpse of that meaning comes through..and boy oh boy did Scott do it for me yesterday.
He did not only gift me this necklace...he MADE me this necklace.
Not because he simply thought I might like it. But because...months...possibly more than a year ago I had emailed him a photo of a similar item I liked, but had wished it were gold.
So he decided. That he would find the parts, stamp the names, punch the holes and make me this necklace.....for Christmas.
Christmas came and went without me knowing a lick about this necklace. And then Valentines morning arrived, after a week of craziness and he gifted me his creation.
Because he knew the necklace he made me, was exactly as I wanted. From his hands, from his heart and from my soulmate. What a guy.
So he decided. That he would find the parts, stamp the names, punch the holes and make me this necklace.....for Christmas.
And you can think we're sappy, but after almost 10 years, 4 babies and much life....these are the moments that remind you what you set out to do....what seems like soooooo long ago.
If that is being sappy, I'll take it, any day.
Enjoy your most precious gift!
You have a wonderful husband...I am so glad he made you feel so special =)