Time for a change
Way back in October, shortly after we moved into our new (VERY OLD!) Farm house, I posted a few of our office photos. Boring? YES! Not only is an office fairly boring, but the photos were also boring...but I wanted to document...so I did!

Over the past 6 months a lot of things have changed...but there are also a lot that haven't. Well, let me name a few:
-I like organization
-I like to work in a nice "feeling" space
-My work load is increasing daily...still
-Subsequently I need to be as efficient as possible to achieve everything I would like to
SO, it's time for a change. And when "change" is tight...it's time to go to Ikea. So I did.
Now this is just the DURING photos...so no big reveal yet. But...as my impatience kicks in I wanted to see what progress really had been made by taking photos.
We'll see how it turns out!
ALSO, the suggestion box is always open!