More emotions today! But I'd rather have yesterday back.
Despite my downtrodden mood, the children and I ventured out.
First a Baby Elephant Ears errand.
Next to IKEA as requested by Finn.
Not only did the 3 Bigs get to play at Smaaland for a bit,
There was FREE Face painting!
Not your run-o-the-mill stuff either.
This would be considered Gourmet in the culinary world!
Check it out!
All chosen by the children for thier own faces....interesting!

Look at that blowhole...right in her dimple!
Immediately...he was drawn to this! Although he has never seen Batman...he knows he loves him I guess.
And because she is Sylvi...she wanted a Spider mask..but blue! Always one step off the beaten path this one! try to get a 1 year old to sit that still! She was a statue during the painting of Elmo...and then was too excited to sit still for the photo!
But truly...what a treat and a blessing to have been able to do that with the children today!
They truly enjoyed it!