Desperately Seeking....

More sunshine...
a bit more time most days...
More kisses...
More faith!

Desperately Seeking...
Less stuff...
Less of me...
a bit less chaos at times..
Less doubt.

I have had a quote on my blog for some time now...but I just love it. It's really just about as close to how I try to live as possible...

"Too many people miss the Silver Lining...
Because they EXPECT gold!"

Who told us to expect Gold? When did we start believing that's what we deserved?

What about the people, families and children who most certainly do not have Gold happening in their life? Do you think they realize it? Or do you think they notice the silver lining and rejoice in it?

My silver lining is living in conversation with my maker. It's living in union with my husband. It's trusting. It's having faith that today will be taken care of. It's the blessings that surpass my understanding each and every single day. Do I deserve even that...the silver lining? Absolutely not. A very wise person said one time.."If we really got what we so deserved...we wouldn't be standing here." Fill in the blank as to where you think that means you would be.....but no matter how "good" we try to be.....we're really no where near what His grace has done for us. We really do not measure up....

But the blessing...the REAL Silver that we don't have to. Because what we deserve is irrelevant to what we actually receive...if we ask. If we accept it...good, bad or indifferent.

So then why am I where I am? And why are others where they are? I at times, tend to believe that those less fortunate are probably more thankful than I some days. It's makes you think.

So I guess there's only one thing I should be "Desperately Seeking".


Katie said…
excellent. thank you!

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