Could it be? Could it really be coming?
Oh how lovely was the day...sunny and cool all at the same time. We were outside several times yesterday, each of which entailed a new activity. All of the children were excited to be out...and this was the first time that Pearl was outside playing without wearing a snowsuit! Even just the day before I had bundled her up because of the wind.
I had 2 children lose, if you will. Two children who could have at any time, broken away from the pack like two wild mustangs breaking away from the heard. However, they did not, instead they rode their tiny bikes fairly obediently.
Finn would "break away" ever so slightly only to say that, "I had to get around that parked car mom!". He's so manly that little guy!
They looked so grown up...riding next to myself and the 2 little's, so independent, so darn smart.
But as dinner time approached, we had to head back to take our pot pie out of the oven (no I did not leave it unattended...absolutely not!) and await their Daddy's arrival.
Just a side pot pie? Which my children usually love...was terrible! I made it, so I thought, the same way I always do...but something was different. It was so rich it was difficult to finish a whole piece! I hate it when I don't remember how I did something...
Your girls have the cutest hats!!!