Winds of change...
These last few days that wind has been the point of blowing children down who dare to play in it's wake, blow sweatshirts to neighboring yards, warrant a rest day from running and mess my perfectly coiffed hair in 2 seconds flat. Ok that last one is a hair is never perfectly anything...especially not coiffed!

These winds have brought fresh air into my home, into my lungs and into my step. But as these new winds of summer blow there is another wind blowing in my household. Because these days are changing baby is almost!
Now don't well up with tears as I am...this isn't that post...the one about all of the adorably amazing things Pearl is doing lately. It's not the post that gives her stats and tells about how much I love one is coming.

This post, however, is about how almost a year ago I had, what could be, our last child. And after that child was born I made a promise to myself...that if in fact she was our last, that I would give it my all to enjoy every day with her. That meant that I was going to nurse her as long as I darn well please, as many times a day (or hour) as I darn well please and there wasn't a thing anyone should say about it. It also meant that I was going to snuggle and hold her until my arms gave out, my lips would not cease touching her cheeks each moment and my prayers would continue daily to pray for blessings upon her (and of course...all of these things apply to ALL of our children). The final thing that meant? Well, that I was not going to kill myself trying to look a certain way, weigh an exact weight or exercise until I couldn't keep my eyes open from exhaustion. The final concern being the one I knew would be the most difficult.
You see...I have struggled for some time with my body. I have not been obese nor have I been thin. I have been average...and a bit "healthy" at times. But this has been a battle for doesn't come naturally to me to be fit. It takes a lot of time and work for me to look "acceptable" to the world. Sooo....
How have I done you ask? "Pretty darn good!" I would say. I have been somewhat aware most of the time (er...maybe a time or two) about what I intake. Most of all assuring that baby Pearl got the nutrition she a soda here and there =)
My exercise has been solely for my sanity and well being. The benefits have been that it has allowed me to "shrink" a bit since baby Pearl was born, but it certainly did not bring me to the end of my journey with overall health. Running has allowed me to recollect and gather my thoughts. Some days it has down right saved me from myself....other days it has been a struggle to do, but knowing I would be a better (read: way more relaxed) momma when I arrived home to the children's sweet smiling faces I would persevere and get through it. It has also offered me a sense of accomplishment. Not that I "got skinny" from running or "lost weight" while running...but that I could run that far. That has been extremely beneficial to my sense of self.
ALAS, the winds of change have arrived...and these last pounds need to come off for my overall body health. And on the 29th of this month my sweet baby Pearl will be ONE! And then, all bets are off!
