Wordy Wednesday
It's been a few days, but I am still excited that I finished my first half marathon!
As you all know I was more nervous about the timing of the morning and happenings before....and it turned out to be just fine. I allowed plenty of time, a few extra layers for the chill in the air, and a mid-run potty stop cleared out the last of my morning coffee.
I was completely prepared and anticipating a really nice run. That is exactly what I got...a nice, easy (relatively of course) run.
I ran a very steady (read:slow) pace and had no issues aside from the normal. You know a foot blister here, some minor chafing of my upper body, less than attractive hair...all normal things.
The race began fairly slow as the starting "pack" was thick...it took a bit to clear up but I didn't really notice. I was just so happy to be there and breathing in the crisp (read:cold) morning air.
It took a couple of miles for my muscles to warm up but once that occurred it was smooth sailing...and as in sailing there was a bit of wind. I didn't feel it much in the residential areas, but each time we would wind out onto the main road it sure felt as if we were heading straight into it.
Around mile 8 I started feeling a bit bored (read: tired); it took a couple of miles for me to snap out of it. But once I saw the "10 Mile" sign...I knew we were home free! I mean come on...I just did 3 miles more than 3 time over (i know...I am a numbers wierdo and I do things like this is my head all of the time!)! And to be honest....by mile 11 I was riding high with adrenaline..ready to pump it home with nothing holding me back...well except for the guy flailing his elbows all of the place and nearly knocking me off my feet with an elbow to the eye...yeah...except for that!
When I rounded the curve to the home stretch I spotted my amazing support, good til the last drop, true blue, always there sis Ashley...and she happened to have a sweet baby Pearl atop her back!
Oh wait...that is not me! But whomever it is...She is totally kicking it into overdrive!
Oh...well...that's not me either! I don't know her, but again, she is putting her last bit out there to finish this thing! Good on 'ya!
Oh..yep, yep! That's me...the one on the right (in case you mistook me for the 95lb little thing on your left!). All smiles.
My final time was 2:20 (per the race timing device...it took me a couple of minutes to cross the starting line in the pack) A nice easy (read:slow) pace of around 10:44/mile. Nothing wrong with that if you ask me!
I love running...but I love it because it relaxes me and puts my mind and body at ease. I don't (read:can't) want my muscles to give out or ruin myself...I really want to enjoy it! So I did!
That (above) is my trusty sidekick Jess...she could probably run 2min/mile faster than I...but she doesn't...she just hangs out by my side. Great Friend!
OH and there's is half of the sweet Duo to meet me at the finish line...what a doll!
After we took a moment or two (or 20) to cool off and stretch we headed to the "finish line party"...which, believe it or not, began with a big Caribou Coffee tent!
(Hear hallelujah chorus)
Because what could be better on a chilly morning than a piping hot cup of amazingly well brewed Caribou Coffee! Oh it was heaven!
All in All I loved every moment...I am already signed up for another every consecutive month for this summer. But....in the meantime I will have to get my run on...old school style...no crowd...no cheering...no gu stops!
About the new blog layout:
I ordered the design for my blog from
she was super awesome to work with. Literally- 30 minutes after I pd, she had a rough copy of the blog ready. I just sent her the pics and stuff, and she had it all done. We started at 2 p.m. yesterday, and it was done and up by 6 p.m- with revisions.
She is *uber* cheap as well- like under $30! And if you mention my name, she will give you another $10 off.
have a great one!!
I love running too, and never thought I would before I took it up. Maybe next year I'll be ready for the half marathon!
Thanks for sharing your experience in such an inspiring blog!