There has been a lot of baking going on here lately! A lot of girly baking.
We've done colorful, we've done cake in a jar, we've done tiered cakes..you name it!
But today, May 13th, this little girl in all her 7 year old goofiness has her birthday! Where does the time go. You remember the first pregnancy so well...the first labor and the first newborn. I remember it all as if it were yesterday. She was my sole focus. She drove us to step out in faith.

I think back to just over a week ago when our youngest, the (cry) baby, turned 3 and think some of the same things. But it's not the same as that first babe. At least for me it's not.
It was no more or less special than the others, but just a time when my brain had all the time in the world to wrap itself around what was happening. And then that was it. We had Lilly Hope on 5/13/14. She was my smallest baby (2 lbs smaller) at 7lbs 7oz.
And now I'm crying just like the baby below...remembering and feeling in that moment all over again!
Happy Birthday Lilly. Your goofy, smart and incredibly mature. I love everything about you...even on a bad day. I am blessed to be your momma!
happy birthday Lilly!