first day of 1st grade
Choosing the outfit is the most difficult part for Lilly. But today, it's important to note her outfit. She seems to be getting a bit more eclectic and a little less particular. PRAISE THE LORD!
She chose a beautiful dress that my sis and her wife just gave her the night before. It's almost a linen material in greens with some embroidered flowers around the bottom with fraying. She wanted to put leggings under and a sweatshirt over (in yet another green!) and then....well RED CROCS of course!
All in all, she had an amazing day. When I dropped her off, we went to her room to drop off the rest of her school supplies, put away her lunch and backpack and get seated. She did great.....I cried.
She broke down when I picked her up and said she felt like she was waiting a really long time. In reality, we were actually early...but to her tiny fast beating heart...I'm sure it did feel like forever!
And now...we'll do it all over again each and every day. Oh Lord.