This is what I call my new found freedom on Monday's! A friend/neighbor of mine and I have begun "swapping" children on Monday's for half a day each. Say she may have mine in the a.m. for about 4 hours and then I will take hers in the p.m. for about 4 hours. And I cannot believe the freedom this has brought to my week. It's almost as if I can accomplish more in that 4 hour period than in the complete week accompanied by my 4 children. I know this isn't true, but I will admit it feel good to complete tasks in a quick manner and then be able to move on to another and by the end of 4 hours I have COMPLETED many many things.
Let me share the reasons that this works out so perfectly:
-We both have 4 children
-All 8 children range from 7 weeks to 5 1/2 years
-We live across the street from one another
-Which lends itself to returning a baby to nurse now and then
-Which also lends itself to ease of operation in arriving and returning to our prospective homes
-We both reward/discipline our children in a very similar way
-Our children tend to play very well together
-Oh yeah..not to mention we are both very used to chaos....which happens with 8 children under 5 1/2!
But here is a glimpse of what it looks like when only 5 of the 8 are sat down for a short video prior to naptime.....this gives me time to get the smaller children put down first and work my way up without too much of a struggle.
Oh how cute they all are...and TIRED!