You'd think we didn't get out much by the way the children enjoyed the skyway from the parking ramp to the Children's Musem! After an hour long car ride I would run too!
Painting with water on the rooftop.

OH're not supposed to...well whatever!

Finn got a little "miffed" that his shirt was about a dryer?

My little "mother hen" was hatching her eggs!

Oh look! This one already hatched.

Thi slittle ant was leading me around the tunnel.

Momma and babe on the rooftop! What a gorgous day.

The first experience with momma helping out!

He thinks he is handsome too!

Ahhh copying momma at the grocery store.

Yum steaks and orange juice! Interesting combination dude.

I miss getting to read your blog! And I got to see your mom the other day!!