That's right. My baby Pearl is 6 months old today! Right about now I was laying in my hospital bed, almost 2 weeks
overdue waiting to receive pitocin and excited to meet my baby. Little did I know that this would be the hardest (by far) labor to date, but ever so rewarding.

When I say that I do not know where the time went...
I mean it! I feel like that day just happened yesterday...and I do not know how we got to this place. A place where she is teething, eating cereal and misc. other items that find their way to her mouth. A place where she is semi independent and I can leave the room with almost no objection most of the time.

She is and always has been an amazing baby. I call her my "angel baby", because she has been fairly easy for me since the beginning. She is determined to do the things she wants, which at this point are bringing things (including her toes!) to her mouth, drooling incessantly, pulling the hair out of all who attempt to get within her reach and being extremely lovable!

She rolls from her front to her back, coos, giggles a lot, makes small noises, blows raspberries and steals my heart on a daily basis. I cannot believe my baby is half a year old! And who wouldn't love a body like that right! Nice and snuggly.
Pearl Patricia you would make your "patty" proud and your uncle Zachy grin from ear to ear like no other! Now....STOP GROWING UP!
big love to you and the 1/2 year old today!!!
you go, sista. big time. i'm so proud of you and want to be just like you when i grow up! :)