"Not Me" Monday

Here is my third attempt at "Not Me" Monday, but I do have to say I cannot remember what I wish. But be sure to check out the other posts about what they didn't do last week. It is fairly therapeutic!
Well to start off:
One thing that I definitely did NOT do this week was begin feeding my 5 1/2 month old solids. And since they would have been her first foods if I had, I would definitely have followed the guidelines and fed her something off of the "first foods" list. With that said, I would NOT have began by feeding her yogurt...that just wouldn't be safe.
Yesterday I was smelling my sweet babe's hair, relishing in these last baby moments. During this sweet exchange I did NOT smell with so much vigor that her hair entered directly into my nostril causing me to choke of sorts.
I decided this week to line up the letters and numbers for the fridge phonics on the fridge and dare to leave them out (only to be destroyed and thrown time and time again). After setting them out and realizing the number 4 was missing, I did NOT obsessively search for the lone number 4 until I could no longer ignore my screaming baby in the other room. Only to then pick her up and begin to search again. UPDATE: It is still missing!
Last night for dinner we most definitely did NOT eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. That would mean we were running late, which I would never do. It also wasn't on homemade white bread, because that would not be the most nutritious option for the children! Oh yes, and I also would not serve it with yet another carb, pretzels! (and then since we were by our campfire, I wouldn't follow it up with marshmallows for desert!)
Another thing that I would NOT do to my children, is to bribe them! My husband and I did not sit the "big 2" down on the couch after story time last night, to explain to them our current bribe. It for sure wasn't a food bribe, because we all know that this causes unhealthy food relationships. And furthermore, it would NOT have been with fruit snacks. (but on the up and up..it worked for 1 out of 2).
On Saturday after my husband got home from work he took all 4 children outside so I could run. He did NOT dress them in just pants, shirts and shoes, being that it was only 55 degrees out. And I did NOT then scold him for doing so knowing full well that I had them out earlier in the exact same attire. Oooopps!
When a very good friend phoned yesterday to say she was in the hospital because she had passed out I did NOT blow it off at first. Knowing that she sometimes overreacts a bit I would not have ignored her needs thinking this was one of those instances. I again, did not blow her off when she then showed up, IV and all, getting ready for her CT Scan (however I was definitely praying for her). But...in the end she is fine.
So that's it...remember to Link up to see MckMama and everyone else's "Not Me" Monday posts...but follow the rules...She's a stickler!