"Not Me" Monday

Well this had been a crazy active week and into the weekend, but I couldn't help but make sure to join in on MckMama's Monday carnival! Check out the other super funny edition's here!
This week has been tremendously filled with responsibilities. But during the constant chaos I did NOT completely forget to feed my children lunch one day this week. Only to be reminded by my 4 year old that they had only snacked all morning! Ooops.
I was in charge of a brunch that we held for our pastoral candidate at church on Sunday. Event planning is one of my forte's! I love doing it and I am usually very thorough. So I would definitely NOT totally forget to buy forks. I mean...fruit and egg bakes need forks. And as I said, as thorough that I am I would NOT forget the flatware.
While strolling through the grocery store with my children we decided to have a little snack. Also while strolling along the children had a tendency to drop a few pieces of their mix. I would NOT ever allow them to then pick those pieces up and pop them right back into their mouths. As a 21st century mother I am much to concerned with their health to allow that.
During preparations for appetizers and dessert on Friday night I did NOT allow the children to lick the beater numerous times. They had not had dinner and allowing them to fill up on those things would be foolish.
And finally, I did NOT watch "What happens in Vegas" 2 times now. This movie is of no substance and it would not be wise to fill my mind with such things...especially multiple times. I would NOT behave in such a childish manner!
Well again, I forgot to write things down this week, there is always next week!
I also didn't enjoy it far too much;-)
The White House
About the flatware? Just tell people you were seeing how the candidate handles awkward situations and unexpected events.
And, we did not drop the entire bowl of diced pears sprinkled with cornstarch--6 to be exact--on the floor while Julia and I made Maple Heaven Pear Pie the other day. And we did not spatula it right back up into the bowl like nothing ever even happened and proceed in our baking.