"Not Me" Monday

While a few other children were over to play this week, I did NOT allow them all (including the baby) to play unsupervised downstairs. Because of course someone would get injured...so when that someone was Finn I was NOT surprised to hear his "blood cry". Upon my arrival downstairs I proceeded to look him over. When I got to his teeth, I did NOT see that he had jammed his upper right tooth up into his gums about 1/2 inch. I then did NOT proceed to grasp that tooth and feel if it was loose only to have it crack back into place....however remaining very loose! Major injuries like this could NOT occur since I am always in attendance during play sessions including guests!
I absolutely do NOT still have my Christmas tree up! I am not as pathetic as to hold on to the Christmas "feeling" well into February, risking the inability to miss Valentines decor! I would NOT do that...I treat all holidays equally and do NOT favor one over another.
While playing out doors with the entire family on Saturday, taking many photos, and having many photos taken, my husband did NOT annoy me. He did NOT decide to give me a lesson by shooting photo after photo of me repeatedly until I "felt like our children"; this resulted in a number of meaningless photos of moi!
And that's it for me now! It would serve me well to keep a list going of my "not me's"...maybe next time. But be sure to go back to MckMama's site and check out the hundred's of other entries!
and, I didnt know that about finns tooth...when did THAT happen?!
Have a great week,