What day is it?
This weekend was a whirlwind of events that kept us moving each moment of each day.
We began by leaving on 4:00pm Friday to head to Spirit Mountain, Duluth. We stayed in a villa with an amazing view...that we would not get to enjoy all that much. It was, however, refreshing for the brief moments I was able to gaze out on that view.
Shortly after arriving we were whisked over to a potluck dinner and prime rib with a few relatives who had begun to arrive for a Family Reunion.
After a late night we head back to our villa across the road to get our children to bed and try to get some good rest.
Saturday morning we arose early to wake the children and get out of the door by 6:45am to go to Hoyt Lakes (about 1 1/2 hours away) to visit Scott's parents and run in a 5K. We arrived at the race at about 30 minutes prior to the start. Enough time to hand over a couple of the children, register and warm up. The race was wonderful; the weather was beautiful. I didn't expect much since it's my first race since having Pearl, but I did well. I was only 1 minute behind my time from last year (which I was 9 months post baby). It was also my first run with my Sis Ash in a long time! That was a great feeling.
At about noon we got back on the road to go back to Spirit Mountain to attend the Reunion that had started at noon.
At the reunion we played games, made cotton candy and sno-cones, at a wonderful meal and enjoyed the gorgeous weather AGAIN!
Once the reunion ended at 6 we again head back to the Spirit Mountain Villa. From there we got ready and got BACK together again for a bonfire and drinks. Scott brought the children back to go to bed and I got to hang out with my family until about 11:30...then to bed.
Sunday we awoke and actually got to relax a little. Scott made us all mushroom and cheese omelets with whole wheat English muffins! YUM! We began to pack up and got ready for a little family time. We left the villa to go downtown Duluth and look at the boats, shops, and have lunch down at the bridge. It was so much fun...the children enjoyed the slower pace and I enjoyed watching them. And even more fun...Duluth was having "FINN" fest 2008...get it FINN...
All in all an amazing weekend, but we are all tired and ready to slow down. Until Saturday of course when we are having Finn's 3rd Birthday Party!
Looks like you and the kids had fun at the family reunion. :) Give them all hugs and kisses from me and xoxo to you to love ya AL.
You look GREAT loaded up with all your kids about to run! (or did you arleady run,...then you look even BETTER!!??) I am sooo proud of how hard you have been working out and running. I cant believe you ran a 5k 3 months after having a baby!! you ar insane!!