"Not Me" Monday

Another week....another list! Here we goooooooooo!
This past week has really been a blur, but at the same time there are a few times I can definitely remember didn't happen to me!
There was a time, ok it was in church, while we were welcoming our potential new pastor and his family, when my baby needed to eat. I absolutely did not hold her off with a bottle only realize about an hour later that I needed to feed her. But being the totally prepared person that I am, I did not have to stuff 2 socks (and certainly not children's socks) in my shirt to prevent the floodgates from opening. Not me!
A couple of nights ago my children were playing along nicely in the basement when I heard a shrill scream. This would not have been due to a 3 round hitting session that was occurring before my very eyes. Certainly Lilly did not hit Sylvi and Finn smack dab in the face and then get the exact response back from both of them leaving red marks on one anothers' faces! Not Me and my children. I then did not proceed to go down give a firm talking to and tell them that they would need to figure it out on their own! That would be just lazy (or in my book good life skills)!
As I made dinner earlier this week I was heating some edamame on the stove and realized that I had forgotten to turn the burner on. But what was that smell? It certainly was NOT a paper plate that was on the burner adjacent to the one that was supposed to be on! I would NEVER risk burning our house down and put things on the burners that could...well...actually start on fire. NOT ME!
And finally...It is 9:00 and I am definitely not sitting here typing my "Not Me" Monday post when I should get my sick keister in bed. And further I am not waiting for my friend to arrive with ice cream and a movie in hand...to stay up yet another 2 hours or so and do...nothing. I am so much more responsible than that and would get all of the rest needed to feel much better tomorrow instead of dragging my tired, sick heiny out of bed to consume massive quantities of coffee and tea just to get through the day. Certainly not me!
So there you have it folks...another day another...well I wish another dollar! So pop on over to MckMama's page and take a look at the multitude of other hilarious stories of things not done this week!