"Not Me" Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

This week I may be late, but I have decided to dive in anyhow! My goal is NOT to be the 500th link...ok well maybe it is!

I have been on this "corny" movie kick for a bit now. But being that I have 4 small children my movie time is reserved for late evenings while folding laundry, cleaning house, or scavenging the Internet. But occasionally a movie catches my funny bone and required me to lift my head. But I would NOT watch the same childish, corny movie 2 nights in a row...and as we speak consider watching it again...just because! My brain needs much more stimulation than that and I would NOT waste my time listening to the same jokes night, after night, after night!

While on the treadmill I stay focused. I get in the game and I don't "get out" until I am done. So when I had a pressing thought that needed to be communicated to Scott, who was upstairs, I did NOT pick up my cell phone. I did NOT call him...right upstairs...just to ask if he would put the baby in the sink for a bit to soak her bum. I did NOT do this knowing that if I had gotten off for 30 seconds to run upstairs that there was a good chance I would not hop back on and finish strong!

While attending an Oscar party the other night I did NOT feel like a complete "shut in" as I was reading through the list of movies and nominations. There would NOT have been only 2 movies on there that I had even heard off...and those 2 movies would NOT have been children's films. In a household with no TV there is definitely NOT a sense of solidarity from the outside world...especially The Oscars!

Poor little Pearls hind end has been a rashy mess for some 3 1/2 weeks now...so after much soaking each day we allow her to crawl around for a bit unclothed! So today after a "free" for all for a bit I plopped her, towel and all, in her highchair to have some lunch. I did NOT quickly notice a noise coming from the seat after I set her in. It was then that I did NOT see a grunty look on her face that was NOT followed by a runny mess under her naked bottom on a plastic seat!!! Back in the sink Pearl!

My 4 year old has had quite a streak of things to say recently. So it did NOT surprise me in the least when she spoke up the other day to say things like, "Ya know what Sylvi, we don't have toys at the table!", or "Finn Michael if you're not going to obey I am going to put you in a timeout!". She has also had a fascination with babies and breastfeeding....so again was NOT caught off guard when she said, "Mommy, when you have our next baby (insert name) in the spring, can I help you feed him?", and "Why can't I nurse my babies mommy? They really need some breastmilk!".

And that's it for today! Happy "Not Me" Monday everyone! Make sure to check back to MckMama's blog and see if I made it in under the "500th" mark!


Anne said…
Does that mean your pg?? or is Sylvi just wishing??? :)
Anonymous said…
Oh don't worry about knowing what movies got Oscars, my kids are older than yours and I still had no clue either. :)
And I have called my hubby from the basement while working out also! You go girl! :)
raggedy ash said…
the amazing thing though, i think you tied for first place or 2nd place on the Oscars ballot!!!!

the moral of the story - never underestimate yourself. :)


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