And this is where I can find him. If Pearl is crying or sounds even the least bit displeased...Finn is to the rescue. I will notice moments later that she is now belly laughing with gusto. When I peak into the room where they are....this is why. Finn is an amazing big brother. He loves his sisters like no other.

He is usually found kissing and loving on her. Occasionally he is even found sharing his bear tail(it's the part of the bear that is show with him that he likes the most)!

He manages to squeeze into her space no matter where she is! How I love to watch the two of them interact and play with one another. It brings joy to my heart. This is one of the many reasons why I knew our plan was to have all of our children very close together! Thank God He allowed it to happen.
I agree. Children close in age are wonderful! Most of the time.
Luke and Hazel have a kissing thing going on lately. They love puckering up for eachother.
I wonder if they love it as much as I love watching it.