We have returned.
Once again my children amazed as they behaved very well for their respective abilities on the long drive home! We so enjoyed our time away and returned with mixed hearts. We were all very excited to see Scott again and he us.
On the way home we stopped for some "rowdy" time in some green space. The children ran around and burned off some steam.

So many things were accomplished by our getaway...
We were able to spend uninterrupted time together...the children and I.
I was able to get in some much needed physical activity while my mom and sister helped with the children.
We were able to wind down from our ever revolving door at our home.
I was able to turn off my phone and concentrate on my children and my God.
I was able to do some much needed soul searching and have some long awaited conversations with my God.
But....we are glad to be back!~