Pageant, Recital, Concert or alike.
UPDATED: The photo at the end is of my Mom and Dad. Duhh! Forgot to tell you all that!
I am not really sure what you call these things...but Lilly had her first performance last night with her pre-school class. How precious right?

I am not really sure what you call these things...but Lilly had her first performance last night with her pre-school class. How precious right?
Riiiighhht! What is precious about getting 4 very small children fed a wonderful dinner (Cereal and hard boiled eggs!) only to follow that by dressing your delightful children (or crabby from too short of a nap) in adorable matching outfits purchased for them by your mother (seriously...all joking aside...A.DO.RABLE). Actually it was quite ok. Only minor meltdowns prior to exiting the house regarding the fit of a certain 4 year olds dress. But that is completely normal and occurs, no matter the garment, on every single day. Thankfully my parents were able to meet me at my house, as Scott was unable to get home in time to help pack up. So off we went to this enormous Performing Arts Center to see my teeny-tiny baby sing in front of a few parents.
Riiiighht! So the auditorium was packed. I joke you not...PACKED! I believe it holds upwards of 500 people. All to see this little teeny-tiny children sing. So I parked my entourage in a whole row practically....yeah, we were like 2 rows from the back! Good things I have a zoom lens....WHAT? I forgot it? 
Come I didn't have other things going on! I can't do everything right!
So...whilst my parents, sisters, husband and alike kept an eye I snuck myself up to the front. But are you kidding me...even from the front you are still a cotton pickin' 50 feet away! Who's going to get a good shot of the teeny-tiny little girl from that far away. So I settled for a few "far out" shots...and chalked it up for a first timer! I said, super adorable. The children behaved for the like....40 minutes it took and then we were outta there! Snapped a few shots of them going out and called it good. Good children, good performance, good outfits....good night!