Sweet Baby Pearl
How long can you actually call a child a "baby"? For she is now 8 months old (well yesterday, but you know...I had the flu and didn't get to the computer).

She is a complete amazement to me, as I clue in on her every development. I am not going to say that I haven't watched my other children grow as closely as I have watched her, but there sometimes just hasn't been the opportunity. And this time I have been able to come along side my other children and explore, learn and play with our babe. This has allowed me to see her in different and unique ways.
That said, our babe is progessing wonderfully! Not too slow, not too fast! At 8 mos. she is:
Crawling, army style!
Cooing, Gooing and sometimes a vowel
Rolling around everywhere and making herself known
Eating mostly "adult" food, just in small pieces
Still nursing
Beginning attempts at drnking out of a sippy
She's about the size of 20lb turkey?
She is wearing 12 mos. clothing due to her length
She is wearing 12 mos. clothing due to her length
If indeed she is to be our last, she is a sweet ending to a wonderful story! And at this point...this is longest I have not been pregnant since the end of 2003! Isn't that some kind of record...probably not...just seems like a lot!
Happy 8 months babe!
anyways, great pictures!! she is so beautiful. And, the rest of her body has finally caught up with her cheeks! =) haha
I have seen them cheaper on the internet, FYI!
You have a beautiful family and I love your little one's cheeks! Reminds me of my boys when they were tiny!
She is SOOOO adorable!
Love ya!! Gidge
Also, on vacation, my dad, sister and I were talking about the old hockey days. we were talking about the old players Brian played with, and Scott came up. My sis and I told him that you have 4 kids, and Dad was amazed! "Scott has 4 kids!!!" Yep, Dad, he does! Last he heard it was just the older 2. My dad then said, "Scott has always been a good guy."
I shared because I thought it was cute.