There are few things in this world that I dislike as much as I dislike the dishes! There is something about this horrible chore that just chills me to my inner core. It disgusts me.
Furthermore...we do not, and never have, owned a dishwasher. I used to make this joke when people would ask if we had one. I would say..,"Yes, her name is Alicia!". I don't think it's very funny, but making a joke is my way of coping with grief!
Yet more we have 4 children and myself who stay at home. This, my friends, creates a lot of dishes. Add to that the number of visitors we have each day and misc. items found around the house that are re-washed just in case, and the sink and counter are plumb full all.of.the.time!

So this morning I embarked on my usual marathon of dish washing. And let me just expound a bit more on my disgust. There are 3 things that make the dishes utterly impossible to stomach for me. 1) Any type of red/tomato based sauce or soup. Be it marinara,
puntanesca, or tomato basil soup! The smell when it hits the water is completely disgusting and almost
gague-able (word?). Furthermore the nasty film and color that it gives to your
clean dishwater is beyond comprehension! (See below)

2) Wet Peanut Butter. Again the smell and feel is enough to send me straight to the bathroom. I actually had a friend who was so disgusted by this while pregnant that she had to have her husband clean it off before she could go near a sink with wet peanut butter in it! 3) Oily, dirty under-sudsy water. (See above photo). You see, today I ran low on the dish soap. So my water turned to this barely soapy, scummy feeling, oily mess. And to top that off! I WAS NOT DONE! So...I guess now I have a fourth loath in dishes.
4) I hate it when the dishes are only partly finished. When I do things I do them to completion...almost always! So, consequently, when there are bits and pieces remaining it brings me to my end. I cannot take it! I will need to go to the store for more dish soap STAT!ps) I am ok. No need to call any medical personal, be it mental or physical, for I will make it through the day. Dishes or not. This is a very normal response for me. I guess.
And hey, those preschool drop offs are a killer! Luckily, my nephew and Brady are in the same class, so my SIL has been picking him up and dropping him off, and since Tom is laid off, when he doesn't have side work, he does it. SO I have been very fortunate this winter. But I loathe those mornings when I do have to go.
and your POOR friend who couldnt deal with the smell of wet peanut butter while pg! ;)
I have some dish soap you can use, btw..and it doesn't even smell!