Belly Bean numero quattro!
Is apparently still happy with the home in which it resides! An ultrasound last night revealed that this baby is getting large, between 8 1/2 and 9 lbs (give or take...20 oz), and that it is extremely protected by an abundance of fluid...and by abundance I mean A LOT! Apparently one of the reasons I measure quite a bit ahead is that my fluid levels are above the 100th percentile! At least that means I don't have a 14lb babe in there! Today I have 10 days left until I am due...that seems to be a while right now. Whoa...please don't get me wrong I love being pregnant..but the following things are unchangeable weather you love it or not:
You get bigger each day
Some things inevitably become uncomfortable
Energy is at an all time low while caring for 3 other children (3 and under)
Hormones, however, are at an all time HIGH!
Life crawls by at times
Bending becomes a thing of the past
Anxiety to meet this belly bean sets in
sooo you get the point!!!!
I also had a Dr. appt tonite that so far, has not yielded any results. I have begun the journey to 10 cm..and I know there is end in sight...but I really am wondering, "when will this sweet babe arrive?".
I had SUCH a good time! thanks for making me laugh so hard that I had to cool of in the cooler! =)
I'm so excited for you.
ahhmm, I mean, it will fly by!
On a side you know what you are having?